Re: Zeilberger, Lie53


Yes, I am still very willing to contribute my summation package
to Maxima.
I am willing to support it, improve it and debug it
(when I have the time to do it).

Sorry for the delay in my reply.
I seldom read emails on this account.
For the next 10 months my email will be

Please tell me to whom I should send the files.

What kind of copyright notice should I right on top
of each file? I am the only author of the package
but maybe I should also thank the RISC institute
for the support.
Should I mention the kind of license?

    Best Regards


On Mon, 4 Oct 2004, C Y wrote:

> Now that the cvs tree is open for normal work again, can I suggest we
> ask Fabrizio Caruso if he is still willing to contribute his summation
> package to Maxima?
> Also, what ever became of Dan Stanger's efforts to translate Alan
> Head's Lie53 package?  Anybody know what the current status of that is?
> CY
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