Case sensitive maxima

>>>>> "James" == James Amundson <> writes:

    James> On Wed, 2004-10-27 at 12:37, Raymond Toy wrote:
    >> Here is a patch the implements case-sensitive maxima.  It passes all
    >> of the tests, once the test files are downcased appropriately.  The
    >> code needs some cleanup, and I'm sure there are cases I've missed, but
    >> passing the testsuite is a good sign. :-)

    James> Fantastic! I have only taken a cursory glance so far, but everything
    James> looks good. I'll have more to say after I have the time to look over
    James> your implementation carefully.

That would be most beneficial!  Maxima does some weird stuff in
converting strings to lists to symbols and vice versa, so it's easy to
get confused.  It also treats symbols as strings in various places.

It would be nice to refactor some of this stuff, but that will have to
wait for some other day (or year).
