"sum" quotes its arguments -- what's up with that?

--- Richard Fateman <fateman@cs.berkeley.edu> wrote:

> I think that many of the problems, with integrate, sum etc.
>   would disappear if one insisted
> on a notation that was better.
> For example, borrowing from lisp or scheme...
> instead of sum(i,i,1,3)
> we could have
>     sum ( lambda([i],i), 1..3).
> Thus it is clear where i is bound.

Except then we will have a lot of new users who won't be able to
understand why they have to type lambda while doing a summation.

I think rather than trying to come up with a notational workaround we
should put on our radar screen the sorting out of scope issues in
Maxima.  That seems like a perfect issue to tackle in 5.9.3
development, since it will (hopefully) kill a lot of the reported bugs
and unexpected behavior in things like this.  


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