Simplification triggers BUILDQ misbehavior in 5.9.1
Subject: Simplification triggers BUILDQ misbehavior in 5.9.1
From: Richard Fateman
Date: Fri, 10 Dec 2004 08:42:30 -0800
The name varlist was chosen in about 1967, either by
Bill Martin or perhap me, before the *...* convention existed.
Albert Reiner wrote:
> Thanks for the clarification:
> [Wolfgang Jenkner <>, Fri, 10 Dec 2004 06:23:51 +0100]:
>>The reason is that MBUILDQ binds VARLIST, which elsewhere is declaimed
>>special for the sake of the rational functions module, and so VARLIST
>>has dynamical scope. In your case the call to MEVAL involves
>>functions from said module, which see this clobbered VARLIST.
> This makes me wonder: is there a reason why Maxima does not follow the
> convention of marking specials with stars? *VARLIST* and VARLIST
> would avoid that problem, it seems.
>>Clearly, VARLIST should have lexical scope in MBUILDQ, so renaming it
>>here seems an appropriate fix.
> Can someone who can do so commit such a fix? CVS still has a version
> from two weeks ago.
> Thanks,
> Albert.
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