maxima.el has been improved a bit, largely due to Albert Reiner.
The indentation is much improved, it will find the info files without
having to specify them, there is a Maxima minor mode, and there is a
mode for working with noweb-mode.
The changes are mentioned in the comments at the beginning of the
file, but I haven't rewritten the Introduction yet.
Someone (I forget who, but thanks! It was a good idea!) suggested
using the listings.sty package to typeset Maxima code in emaxima.
I complete rewrote emaxima.sty to do this, but I haven't committed
it. The rewritten version is written more in LaTeX than in TeX now,
and now uses the LaTeX-y
rather than
Any changes like that in an emaxima file can be made easily enough, or
I could even write an elisp update function.
Other than that, there aren't many changes, except that I didn't put
in Initialization cells (easy enough to put in, but I couldn't think
of a use for them), and adjustments of cells aren't done with commands
like \maximaprecellspace; instead there are all-purpose commands in
the cell definitions which can be redefined to adjust the cells.
Since the new version is incompatible with the old one, I'm checking
to see if there are any objections before I commit it.