RANDOM() and RANDOM(FALSE) problem

--- Raymond Toy  wrote:

> The version in CMUCL is portable and should run anywhere.  The
> portable part only generates unsigned 32-bit numbers, though.

It seems we have at least 3 courses of action (aside from
maintaining the status quo). (1) Port CMUCL MT. (2) Drop in
jmt.lisp. (3) Optimize jmt.lisp and drop it in. 

We can also keep looking. There are lots of fish in the sea.

I don't have a good estimate for the effort involved in (1) or (3).
For (2) it is minimal.

Perhaps for you, Ray, (1) would be very easy since you are
one of the authors of CMUCL MT. If you don't want to, I guess
I could do it, or maybe someone else wants to volunteer.

Robert Dodier

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