>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Dodier writes:
Robert> It seems we have at least 3 courses of action (aside from
Robert> maintaining the status quo). (1) Port CMUCL MT. (2) Drop in
Robert> jmt.lisp. (3) Optimize jmt.lisp and drop it in.
Robert> We can also keep looking. There are lots of fish in the sea.
Robert> I don't have a good estimate for the effort involved in (1) or (3).
Robert> For (2) it is minimal.
Robert> Perhaps for you, Ray, (1) would be very easy since you are
Robert> one of the authors of CMUCL MT. If you don't want to, I guess
Robert> I could do it, or maybe someone else wants to volunteer.
As I said, the main part of CMUCL's generator is very portable.
Converting to floating point should be easy.
In cl-bench, there is also a portable version of the mrgk3a
generator. I think that's pretty well-respected too. It requires
fast floating-point though. One advantage is that the state is fairly
small, unlike the 600+ words for mt-19937.
I do know that someone ran cmucl's generator through Marsaglia's
die-hard tests and the Ising physical model test, and it passed them
all. Don't know about mrgk3a.