A problem when convert to Tex

Try to change not texnumformat, but write a function

(defun numneedsparen(atom)
	(let (r exponent)
	(cond ((integerp atom) nil)
		(t (setq r (exploden atom)
	 exponent (member 'e r :test #'string-equal))

and change tex-mexpt as follows:

(defun tex-mexpt (x l r)
   (let((nc (eq (caar x) 'mncexpt)))	; true if a^^b rather than a^b
	(cond ;; this whole clause
	      (cond (doit
		    (t nil)))))		; won't doit. fall through
	;; changes here! Write parens if a number needs it!
       (t (setq l (cond ((and (numberp (cadr x))
			(numneedsparen (cadr x)))
			(tex (cadr x) (cons "\left(" l) '("\right)") lop (caar x)))
	(t (tex (cadr x) l nil lop (caar x))))
	       r ( ;;; leave untouched

Andrei Zorine

Barton Willis wrote:
> No, in TeX  $${5.6 \times 10^{+99}}^{x}$$ means 5.6 10^(99^x) and not
> (5.6 10^99)^x.  Something like your idea
> (defun texnumformat(atom)
>   (let (r firstpart exponent)
>     (cond ((integerp atom)
>            atom)
>           (t
>            (setq r (exploden atom))
>            (setq exponent (member 'e r :test #'string-equal)) ;; is it 
> ddd.ddde+EE
>            (cond ((null exponent)
>                   ;; it is not. go with it as given
>                   atom)
>                  (t
>                   (setq firstpart
>                         (nreverse (cdr (member 'e (reverse r) :test 
> #'string-equal))))
>                   (strcat "\\left(" (apply #'strcat firstpart )
>                           " \\times 10^{"
>                           (apply #'strcat (cdr exponent))
>                           "}" "\\right)")))))))
> eliminates the bug, BUT this code gratuitously puts parens around all 
> floats.
> (%i10) tex(5.6e99^x);
> $$\left(5.6 \times 10^{+99}\right)^{x}$$
> (%o10)                                      false
> (%i11) tex(5.6e99);
> $$\left(5.6 \times 10^{+99}\right)$$
> (%o11)                                      false
> I think texnumformat doesn't have enough information to know if the
> parens are needed---maybe texnumformat needs more arguments?
> With gcl, there is the ugly +99 (instead of just  99) as well ...
> Barton
> Raymond Toy 
> Sent by: maxima-admin@math.utexas.edu
> 01/27/2005 09:15 AM
>         To:     Barton Willis 
>         cc:     zycentre-sub@yahoo.com.cn, maxima@math.utexas.edu
>         Subject:        Re: [Maxima] A problem when convert to Tex
> Here is a simple solution.  The very end of texnumformat could be
> replaced with
>                   (strcat "{"
>                                                    (apply #'strcat 
> firstpart )
>                                                    " \\times 10^{"
>                                                    (apply #'strcat (cdr 
> exponent))
>                                                    "}"
>                                                    "}")
> This places an extra set of braces around the number.  That causes tex
> to produce 
> (%i4) tex(5.6e99^x);
> $${5.6 \times 10^{+99}}^{x}$$
> (%o4) false
> That should be ok, right?  (Hmm, why does my version of maxima say +99
> instead of just 99?)  Also, the (%o4) line is actually on the same
> line as the tex output.  I don't think that's what we want.  Some
> recent change in maxima?
> Ray
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