What is %minf? Do you mean minf? Same for inf.
Usually people use x^y rather than x**y.
When you take a taylor series Q(x) and multiply it
by exp(x), the exp(x) is converted to a taylor series
and multiplied.
Assuming you do not want this, you might try
something like
expand (exp(-x^2/4)* ratdisrep(taylor ...)))
David Ronis wrote:
> I'm trying to use maxima to do a saddle point integration with the following:
> f(x):=x-2*log((exp(x)+1)/2) + x**2/4;
> exp(-x**2/4)*taylor(exp(f(x))*(x*kb+mu)**gamma,x,0,4);
> integrate(%,x,%minf,%inf)/4;
> As far as I can tell, the taylor expansion is done correctly, however,
> the multiplication by the additional exponential in the second line
> seems to be ignored. The resulting integral doesn't converge and I'm
> left with explicit %inf/%minf's at the integration (which is wrong in
> any event).
> David
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