removed src/set.lisp

On Thu, 2005-02-10 at 23:38, Robert Dodier wrote:
> Hello,
> Just a heads up -- I have removed src/set.lisp as it is superseded
> by share/contrib/nset/nset.lisp. I mention this because of the 
> potential for causing make to fail. I have covered the bases, I
> believe, but it seems prudent to give fair warning. The cvs log
> message is reproduced below.

CVS head will no longer build from scratch. "set" is still included in
maxima.system, so build will only work if you have a compiled version of
set left over. If you remove a file, you have to at least try "make
clean; make" in order to see that a fresh build is still possible.

I am perfectly happy to replace set with nset. However, first we have to
	1) Cleanly remove set.
	2) Take nset out of contrib and put it in the main distribution.
	3) Fix any conflicts nset has with the rest of maxima.
	4) Add tests for nset.

I see that you have almost accomplished (1) and (4). 

(2) is important -- the code in contrib is unsupported by definition.
Should we make nset part of the compiled maxima image?

As far as (3) goes, I see at least one conflict: nset's definition of
"every" is clashes with the "every" in mutils.lisp and the some of the
tests in rtest15.
