removed src/set.lisp

On Sun, 2005-02-13 at 22:55, Robert Dodier wrote:
> --- James Amundson  wrote:
> I have removed "set" from
> maxima.system and committed it.

Great. Thanks.

> > As far as (3) goes, I see at least one conflict: nset's definition of
> > "every" is clashes with the "every" in mutils.lisp and the some of
> > the tests in rtest15.
> Hmm, when rtestnset runs, I see a warning about redefining
> $FLATTEN (src/flatten.lisp) and $EVERY (src/mutils.lisp).
> What is the conflict with rtest15 ?

rtest15 tests $every, expecting the built-in $every, not the nset
$every. I've been working on fixes such that run_testsuite() can be run
multiple times with the same result. rtest15 fails the second time
because of the redefinition of $every. It's just a specific example of a
general problem.
