Re: Handling branch cuts for hypergeometric functions


Richard Fateman wrote:
> Since maxima already uses interactive queries, it would be
> more consistent to have more interactive queries.

These uses are sometimes confusing. I remember to have been asked about 
a sign of a variable I'd never used! It was an internal variable of a 
maxima routine. How could I figure out what sign of it was? To my 
opinion, interactive queries don't make it harder to use integration etc 
inside other 'smart algorithms'. (I don't have tht example at hand now, 
sadly ).

> On the other hand, it is also consistent to have flags
> of some sort that make default assumption.  So my suggestion
> is,  if it is not too much trouble, to have a flag to set
> that controls this behavior.
> In answers produced by Tilu, we provide unevaluated conditionals
> as the answers to some integrals, and leave it to the recipient
> to work out the final results.

Ther same applies here

Andrei Zorine