moved src/flatten.lisp to share/algebra/charsets/ and related changes


in preparation for moving nset.lisp into src/,
I have cut $every from src/mutils.lisp, pasted it into
src/flatten.lisp, and moved flatten.lisp to share/algebra/charsets/.

I also cut the tests of every from tests/rtest15.mac and
pasted them into tests/rtestflatten.mac to share/algebra/charsets/.
(tests/rtestnset.mac tests the nset versions of every and flatten.)

I renamed $flatten and $every to $charsets_flatten and
$charsets_every, as well as renaming all the functions in
share/algebra/charsets/set.lisp from $foo to $charsets_foo,
and adjusting function calls in share/algebra/charsets/charsets.mac
and rtestflatten.mac accordingly.

I removed src/flatten.lisp from the list of files in src/,
but for some reason flatten wasn't on the list in maxima.system
or in the * files, so I didn't touch those.

The resulting system builds (on clisp) without errors and 
executes run_testsuite() without errors.

share/algebra/charsets/test1.mac runs without errors, and
yields a lot of output, but I can't tell if the output is correct.

I believe the way is now clear to move nset.lisp into src/.

Hope this helps,
Robert Dodier

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