> Oh boy, I downloaded the deb and installed it and couldn't figure out
> why printing didn't seem to work. If I had paid attention to the file
> name I would have realized that the deb is still 0.5.4. Does anybody
> have a deb of 0.6 available?
I'm intending to maintain the "official" wxmaxima Debian package,
but I've delayed with the 0.6 version because I had to attend some
other projects. Actually, you can download the last version from
http://softwarelibre.uca.es/debian/. If you find any bug in the
Debian package, please, report it to me.
By the way, I'll try uploading it to sourceforge, and so Andrej must
only link the .deb file from wxmaxima's web page.
J. Rafael Rodriguez Galvan.
Cadiz University (UCA). OSLUCA (Free Software Office, UCA)
Department of Mathematics. [1] http://softwarelibre.uca.es