Embedding maxima

One option is to link maxima to the internet.  Are you using this with

You could have a look at the .php scripts on 


in particular


This allows you to have very simple interactions, rather than a session,
and the output can be projected during lectures.  (I assume you have a
teaching application?).

Of course, using .php it is much easier to rapidly adapt the interface to
your application, rather than using one of the more fully developed ones
provided with maxima.  

If this could be adapted to be useful, I'd be very happy to help advise


On Fri, 25 Feb 2005, Peter Scott wrote:

> How would I embed Maxima in another Lisp program? For example, suppose
> that I'm making a simulation of some easy physics problems (a ball is
> shot out of a cannon at 20 m/s at an angle of...) and I want to use a
> CAS behind the scenes. Maxima is such a huge system that, just looking
> through the source, I couldn't figure out how to use it in any way
> other than through the text-based interface, which would not be much
> fun.
> What functions do I call? Or what code can I look at to get an idea of
> how to do this?
> Ideally, I wish that I could do something like this:
> (maxima:integrate "3*x^2" 'x 2 5)
> ...and get an answer in some easy-to-use form.
> Thanks,
> -Peter
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