missing simp

Conjecture:  If I  call  $ratsimp in some lisp code, I  shouldn't assume 
result  is simplified.  Either the result of $ratsimp  should be cleaned 
with simplifya, or something equivalent. For  example. Consider the 
silly functions larry1 and larry2

(defun $larry1 (a b c)
  (let ((z))
    (setq z ($ratsimp (mul b c)))
    (add a z)))

(defun $larry2 (a b c)
  (let ((z))
    (setq z ($ratsimp (mul b c)))
    (add* a z)))

(%i8) ?print(larry1(x,1,1/2))$
((MPLUS SIMP) ((RAT) 1 2) $X) 
(%i9) ?print(larry2(x,1,1/2))$
((MPLUS SIMP) ((RAT SIMP) 1 2) $X) 
