Looks pretty good to me. The mechanism of pattern matching
is more subtle than one might expect from reading this, but
that is probably something to be described elsewhere.
I wrote the initial version of this code myself, but I think
other hands have mucked with it. A description of matching and
tellsimp etc. is in my thesis, which is online at MIT.
visit this place
Not to say that your description could be clearer etc!!
Robert Dodier wrote:
> Hi Cliff,
> I've attempted to explain a little bit about how tellsimpafter
> works on this wiki page:
> http://maxima.sf.net/wiki/index.php/User-defined%20simplification
> I don't know how successful I've been, but there you have it.
> Take a look and let me know if that does or doesn't help.
> Probably after that page gets worked over a bit I will copy
> some of it into the texinfo documentation, as the coverage
> of simplification could be expanded.
> For what it's worth,
> Robert Dodier
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