compilation error with sbcl

i updated my sbcl to  0.8.20 and now I get a compilation error in
src/numerical/slatec/xerprn.lisp, because of an error in a type
It is easy to fix though:

diff -c xerprn.lisp.old xerprn.lisp
*** xerprn.lisp.old     2002-05-08 15:34:34.000000000 +0200
--- xerprn.lisp 2005-03-19 21:40:35.538007944 +0100
*** 9,15 ****
  (let* ((newlin "$$"))
-   (declare (type (simple-array base-char (2)) newlin))
    (defun xerprn (prefix npref messg nwrap)
      (declare (type f2cl-lib:integer4 nwrap npref)
               (type (simple-array base-char (*)) messg prefix))
--- 9,14 ----

The whole slatec library causes a lot of warnings with sbcl and cmucl;
maybe it would be worthwhile to rewrite it in idiomatic lisp?

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