First step toward a 5.9.2 release

On Thursday 31 March 2005 12:35 am, Vadim V. Zhytnikov wrote:

> 5) Apply fix for slatec - sbcl problem.

Are there bug entries for this in sf?  I can't seem to find them to 

> 6) Some small Windows port fixes - userdir for console maxima.
> Do we need to change something for integration with WinTeXmacs?

Um - got me there.  Andrey, are you up on that one?  (Incidently, I 
flagged the 1162854 bug for 5.9.2 and added your comments to it.  
We should probably make sure that whatever needs doing to have 
5.9.2 work with latest TeXmacs is done, if possible - Jim, what do 
you think?)

> 7) Finish first sweep of Maxima documentation revision.
> Replace all defun/defvar with deffn/defvr everywhere.

Robert's on that, IIRC - how close is that Robert?  If that can be 
completed in time I'll add an item to generate new html files for 
the web pages.

> 8) Fix describe.
> About 8:  With new Maxima manual conventions describe
> seems to be broken.  It is a bit strange since it worked
> well to me on some test examples.  Anyway I don't think
> it is hard problem.

IIRC I saw a behavior where describe would display the entire file 
rather than the single relevant entry - is that what you saw?  I 
was never sure if that was just some fluke on my system or not.


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