On Thu, 31 Mar 2005, C Y wrote:
> > 5) Apply fix for slatec - sbcl problem.
Is not this done? I've built a revent cvs maxima with sbcl-0.8.20;
earlier cvs versions produces some type errors in slatec (something about
char types, because recent sbcl supports unicode).
> > 6) Some small Windows port fixes - userdir for console maxima.
> > Do we need to change something for integration with WinTeXmacs?
> Um - got me there. Andrey, are you up on that one?
I don't think anything should be done in maxima for integration with
WinTeXmacs. All the required work is on the WinTeXmacs side. Recently two
persons managed to make the WinTeXmacs-maxima interface working, though
with some restrictions. I hope Dan Martens will improve this (I don't have
> (Incidently, I
> flagged the 1162854 bug for 5.9.2 and added your comments to it.
Thanks. The patch 1173811 I put to sf is short and non-contraversial, and
should be applyed, I think. And it is really useful for TeXmacs, too.
> We should probably make sure that whatever needs doing to have
> 5.9.2 work with latest TeXmacs is done, if possible - Jim, what do
> you think?)
Again, no work on maxima side required (except the patch 1173811). The
support of maxima-5.9.2 (also working for recent cvs versions) has been
committed to TeXmacs cvs today. It includes a much improved possibility of
math mode input (integrals, sums, square roots, determinants, binomial
coefficients...) I am writing a tutorial on this stuff, because it is not
documented anywhere.
> > 8) Fix describe.
> > About 8: With new Maxima manual conventions describe
> > seems to be broken. It is a bit strange since it worked
> > well to me on some test examples. Anyway I don't think
> > it is hard problem.
> IIRC I saw a behavior where describe would display the entire file
> rather than the single relevant entry - is that what you saw? I
> was never sure if that was just some fluke on my system or not.
Yes, I also see describe printing the whole file instead of just one
function I need. Rather tiresome. I have no idea when this misbehaviour
started - in the past, describe worked correctly.
Best wishes,