C Y writes:
> --- Juan Pablo Romero Bernal wrote:
>>I have traslated to Spainsh several files of Maxima documentation.
>>But I don't want send it to the mailing list, because the files
>>package is of 630 Kb. Is possible to get up this files to CVS
>>server???, in order to do revisions and maintenance of documentation
>>respect the original doc in the CVS.
> Hmm. Robert, how did you want to handle translations? Maximabook can
> just store 'em (when it becomes worth translating) but for the Manual
> we need some way to tell describe which language to use, as well as
> some naming convention for the files so it knows where to look.
> Thoughts?
> CY
Please, see:
1. Maxima CVS - keep each translation in separate
../info/ directory.
2. Install translation into
3. Make describe locale aware.
Post 5.9.2
Vadim V. Zhytnikov