Maple Units package

On Saturday 02 April 2005 03:18, C Y wrote:

> > I've also written a unit conversion package for Maxima, you can
> > have it if you want. (Although you won't be much impressed.)
> That would be great, if you don't mind releasing it under the GPL
> (Maxima's license).  What are its capabilities?

I'll send it to you in private mail, the two files are GPLd. 

The package contains the following four user functions:

unit_init([optList])		/*initialize the package*/
unit_si(term)			/*convert to SI base units*/
unit_use(inWantUnit,inTerm,[inOpt])  /*convert to arbitrary units*/
unit_remove(inTerm)		/*substitute all units by one*/

Converting to arbitrary units is really weak in my package and often 
does nonsense.

Yours Eike.