Looking for documentation of Maxima internals.

David May writes:

> Hello, I was wondering if there is any documentation 
> of the Maxima architecture available that might help
> to make the source code a bit more accessible.  I.e.
> description of major data structures, internal functions,
> programming conventions, file organization etc

I am not aware of much in the way of internal documentation,
however, there are probably documents describing various 
pieces. I don't know of a central location for these.

I have taken the liberty of copying some notes by Stavros 
Macrakis about internal data structures to the Maxima wiki:
These notes were originally posted to the mailing list;
you may find some other helpful remarks by searching the
mailing list archive (http://maxima.sf.net/maximalist.html).

I would like to take this opportunity to encourage Stavros
and others who know about internals to add stuff to the wiki,
perhaps hanging new pages off 
http://maxima.sf.net/wiki/index.php/Understanding%20Maxima .

Hope this helps,
Robert Dodier

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