Re: Looking for documentation of Maxima internals.


A few random notes which may be helpful. Naturally this
is all open to correction and extension. Sorry that it is 
a bit haphazard; perhaps I can try to organize it better 
and merge it with existing stuff that other people have written.

All the best,
Robert Dodier


 - Maxima is a collection of functions to transform
   one expression into another

 - an expression is a list of the form ((op) x1 x2 x3 ...)

   - an expression is indistinguishable from an
     unevaluated function call 
     e.g. {a, b, c} is (($set) a b c) internally,
     indistinguishable from set(a, b, c)

 - almost every Maxima object is an expression

 - vague but important distinction between
   simplification (1+1 => 2, sin(0) => 0) and evaluation

 - an unbound atom evaluates to itself

 - one namespace holds all system and user names

 - there are two kinds of Maxima functions:
   programming functions (these have function definitions)
   and mathematical functions (also called simplifying 
   functions; behavior results from simplification rules)

 - there are three kinds of Maxima programming functions: 
   argument-evaluating, defined in Lisp (defmfun),
   argument-quoting, defined in Lisp (defmspec),
   argument-evaluating, defined in Maxima (define or :=)

 - for many functions, side effects (files, global
   variables) are important

 - almost all logic is embedded in the code
   (few operations are driven by rules or tables)

 - Maxima is extensible to varying degrees

   - new programming function: easy

   - new operator like + * ! [] etc: 
     defining the operator programming function is easy; 
     simplification rules are possible, not easy

   - new mathematical function: possible, not easy

   - new object (e.g. set): essentially same as 
     a new mathematical function

   - changing behavior of existing element:
     usually requires Lisp hacking (only for brave and/or foolish)

 Maxima programming language

 - procedural language reminiscent of Algol

 - some elements reminiscent of Lisp (block, apply, map)

 - dynamically scoped

 - not implemented: closures, structures with named 
   attributes, and namespaces

 Maxima and Lisp

 - Lisp name $foo equivalent to Maxima name foo,
   Lisp name foo equivlent to Maxima name ?foo

   - typically user-visible function named $foo farms out
     subcases to internal functions foo-case1, foo-case2, etc

 - default mode is to interpret Maxima input,
   but Maxima input can be translated into Lisp,
   or translated and compiled

 - Maxima core is written entirely in Lisp (not Maxima)

 - add-on functions written in Maxima or Lisp

 File organization

 - core implementation in maxima/src

 - add-on functions in maxima/share/*
   (one directory per package)

 - regression tests in maxima/tests

 - documentation in maxima/doc

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