Kill and related topics

--- C Y  wrote:
> On Fri, 2005-04-08 at 15:21, C Y wrote:
> > Hi all.  I have been doing some thinking, and I have a few
> > comments/questions about kill and related topics, stemming from the
> > whole post_eval_functions effort.
> I'm sorry it took so long for me to get around to writing a reply to
> your original message. I'm afraid your whole thought process here is
> based on a misconception about what kill does/should do.

No problem.  Unfortunately, I'm sure I've got a fair number of such
misconceptions - sorry to be such a nusiance.

> > a)  After thinking it over, I think perhaps it is OK that kill(all)
> (or
> > kill(post_eval_functions) for that matter) does not reset
> > post_eval_functions,
> No, it should reset post_eval_functions.


> >  since it will also not reset any other "system"
> > settings changed by the user. 
> Yes, kill(all) does reset other system settings changed by the user.
> For example, the values of rules is reverted back to the default.

Hmm.  OK.

> You can already do kill(values), kill(functions), or anything else
> listed in infolists. Are you aware of that?

No, although I should have been.  Barton and Robert pointed me to
infolists, and I'm afraid I didn't understand things after a first
pass.  I'll go back and dig in more detail.  Is there some "developer"
documentation somewhere about how to interact with infolists when
adding new stuff?


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