makelist(i,i,1,0) & translator

I looked at the  trans1.lisp code for makelist .  I commented out the code 
built maxima.  The testsuite reports no errors, and the bug I found is 

Until somebody fixes the makelist code in trans1.lisp, I suggest that we 
comment it out.    The inconsistency between translated and untranslated
makelist code isn't worth the (assumed) extra speed.

Barton wrote on 04/29/2005 06:34:45 AM:

> Is there an option variable that makes makelist
> behave the same way in translated and untranslated
> code? The user documentation for makelist doesn't
> say what should happen with things like makelist(i,i,1,0).
> (%i4) f(x) := block([n : length(x)], makelist(i,i,1,n))$
> (%i5) f([]);
> (%o5) []
> (%i6) translate(f);
> (%o6) [f]
> (%i7) f([]);
> Lower bound to MAKELIST:1, not less than upper bound:0
>  -- an error.  Quitting.  To debug this try DEBUGMODE(TRUE);
> Barton
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