makelist(i,i,1,0) & translator

Hi Barton, you wrote:

> I looked at the  trans1.lisp code for makelist . 
> I commented out the code and built maxima.  The testsuite
> reports no errors, and the bug I found is eliminated.
> Until somebody fixes the makelist code in trans1.lisp,
> I suggest that we comment it out.    The inconsistency
> between translated and untranslated makelist code isn't
> worth the (assumed) extra speed.

Agreed 100% here. Have you already committed the fix?
If you don't want to deal with it, email it to me.

There are several known bugs in the translation code --
overhauling the translation code would be a terrific
project, if anyone is inspired to take it on.

All the best,
Robert Dodier

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