PART+, was: Re: [Maxima] Yet another units package
Subject: PART+, was: Re: [Maxima] Yet another units package
From: Raymond Toy
Date: Tue, 03 May 2005 16:10:33 -0400
>>>>> "Richard" == Richard Fateman writes:
Richard> Why was this choice made for the macsyma matcher?
Richard> Because the other kind of match was already programmed in
Richard> macsyma, in the program "schatchen" written by Joel
Richard> Moses. (Schatchen is Yiddish for "matchmaker"). The
Richard> program is in the SIN or SININT file, and is, I think,
Richard> called M1.
For any one interested, it's actually in schatc.lisp. Some
documentation for it is in the file itself and more can be found in
his thesis; a scanned version (with pages missing) can be found at
I think the documentation is a bit incomplete though because the code
uses stuff that's not mentioned in the thesis.