Subject: Rather subtle problem with ordergreat+letsimp
From: C Y
Date: Wed, 4 May 2005 05:32:27 -0700 (PDT)
Hi all. I have attempted to use ordergreat to get Maxima to display
units at the end of an expression, but it turns out there is a problem
with this. In the user session, it manifests itself as an apparent
refusal to apply letsimp rules to user input:
(%i10) allunitslist[1];
(%o10) webers
(%i11) letsimp(allunitslist[1],quanttoone);
(%o11) 1
(%i12) letsimp(webers,quanttoone);
(%o12) webers
(%i13) allunitslist[1]-webers;
(%o13) webers - webers
The real reason is apparent when you use save to look at the lisp form:
;;; -*- Mode: LISP; package:maxima; syntax:common-lisp; -*-
(in-package "MAXIMA")
(DSKSETQ $TESTLIST1 '((MLIST SIMP) _570KG |_645M| |_900S|))
This is a rather tricky problem. I personally would consider this
behavior a bug - from the user's standpoint it's sheer nonsense. The
only reason I can see for this is if the ordering set by great somehow
has implications other than those associated with display - i.e., some
mathematical consequence. If this isn't the case, I think there needs
to be some logic internally which recognizes that _917WEBERS and
$WEBERS are the same thing for all purposes of computation and
This problem manifested itself when I tried to add ordering -
processunits fails because suddenly all the incoming unit forms no
longer look like units.
Anybody have any good ideas on this one?
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