
>>>>> "Andrey" == Andrey G Grozin  writes:

    Andrey> You are right, it seems I forgot to attach the file :-(
    Andrey> It is in the attachment to this letter. Is there some way to insert it 
    Andrey> into the sourceforge patch database? I tried to register as a user at 

Can't you just go to the patch entry and click the upload box and
upload the file?  (I've never done this, so I'm guessing.)

In any case, I got the attached file.  Thanks!

Quoting of % seems fixed, as does _.  

Now for a few questions/comments:

o tex(x_1) => $$x\__1$$ 

  Is that what we want?  Doesn't that get set as x_ with a subscript
  of 1?

o tex(x1) => $$x_1$$

  I think this is not what we want.  At least not what I would want.

o I think some of the greek letters are confused:

  tex(omega) => $$\\Omega$$
  tex(pi) => $$\\Pi$$
  tex(gamma) => $$\\Gamma$$

  With case-sensitivity, I would have expected lower case versions.
  To get the upper-case greek letters, I would have expected
  tex(Omega) or maybe tex(OMEGA).

  And tex(pi) is definitely confusing, since the mathematical pi is
  %pi in maxima.

Also, Barton Willis has some comments about mactex, from 2002-08-19.
We should look into that as well.
