writefile bug # 765510 ? (was: help-- using writefile in winXP)
Subject: writefile bug # 765510 ? (was: help-- using writefile in winXP)
From: Robert Dodier
Date: Sat, 7 May 2005 09:00:54 -0700 (PDT)
Hi Doug,
> I see that page 71 of "Maxima book" needs updating on closefile.
> I also see that page 65 has it the way you said.
You may wish to refer to the revised reference manual
(not the same document as the Maxima book) which you can
find at http://maxima.sf.net/docs/original/maxima_toc.html .
It is more up to date than the Maxima book (and also the
version of the reference manual distributed with the binaries).
> Now the close works but there is nothing in the file when I run a
> batch file with this in it:
This appears to be the same as bug # 765510.
As I don't have a Windows box, I can't try it.
Sorry that I can't be more helpful.
Robert Dodier
Yahoo! Mail
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