Re: writefile bug # 765510 ? (was: help-- using writefile in winXP)

Thanks   this is the same problem.
I will try and debug it some more.

What i type at the command prompt shows up in the file but results do 
not and input from batch files do not show up;

Doug Stewart

I am running 5.9.1 .

Robert Dodier wrote:

>Hi Doug,
>>I see that page 71 of  "Maxima book"  needs updating on closefile.
>>I also see that page 65 has it the way you said.
>You may wish to refer to the revised reference manual
>(not the same document as the Maxima book) which you can
>find at .
>It is more up to date than the Maxima book (and also the
>version of the reference manual distributed with the binaries).
>>Now the close works but there is nothing in the file when I run a
>>batch file with this in it:
>This appears to be the same as bug # 765510.
>As I don't have a Windows box, I can't try it.
>Sorry that I can't be more helpful.
>Robert Dodier
>Yahoo! Mail
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