Hello Ray,
> Raymond> Here is the little hack in case anyone wants to play with
> Raymond> it. If you specify the plot-option logx, it will assume
> Raymond> you want log sampling of the arg, and do the appropriate
> Raymond> stuff. It also assumes that you'll do a log plot when
> Raymond> plotting the data, but that's not necessary. It seems to
> Raymond> be ok even if you don't.
Let's see, how does the user specify they want a logarithmic plot?
Something like plot2d ( ..., [logx, true], ...) ?
Is there a corresponding logy option? If not there should be, I think.
>From what's written above, it sounds like it is necessary to also specify
the plotting-package specific option to log-transform the x or y axis.
That seems like more work than it needs to be --
if the user specifies logx or logy, plot2d should automatically pass
the appropriate option to gnuplot or whatever to get it to transform
the x or y axis.
Although there may be details to work out, I'm definitely in favor of
enabling log-transform of the x and y axes.
Robert Dodier