>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Dodier writes:
Robert> Let's see, how does the user specify they want a logarithmic plot?
Robert> Something like plot2d ( ..., [logx, true], ...) ?
Not quite. logx currently controls sampling. It otherwise has no affect.
Robert> From what's written above, it sounds like it is necessary
Robert> to also specify the plotting-package specific option to
Robert> log-transform the x or y axis. That seems like more work
Robert> than it needs to be -- if the user specifies logx or logy,
Robert> plot2d should automatically pass the appropriate option to
Robert> gnuplot or whatever to get it to transform the x or y
Robert> axis.
I was basically lazy. I think a suitable interface is as you
suggest. logx and/or logy means you want a logarithmic plot of some
kind, and it should set the appropriate options for the underlying
plotting program, if necessary.
It's a bit of a pain though, especially for gnuplot, since the gnuplot
options are just a bunch of strings suitable for gnuplot. And what
about the other plotting programs? I never use anything except
gnuplot, so I don't know how the others work.