Subject: Maxima: Assistance requested with solver.mac.
From: Donna and Dan Stanger
Date: Wed, 20 Jul 2005 18:54:17 -0400
Please post the equations,
and the batch file you used to run Solver.
"C. Frangos" wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to use the Maxima solve() to obtain analytical solutions to
> simultaneous nonlinear equations with respect to specified variables. There
> are also many symbolic parameters in the equations. In some cases solve()
> could not find the solution.
> I located under the following directory the program solver.mac, together with
> several other related programs.
> /usr/local/share/maxima/5.9.1/share/algebra/solver/solver.mac
> I copied the program solver.mac and the other programs to my home
> directory. I wrote a short program mysolver.mac (see below) to read
> these into Maxima.
> I ran the following commands but solver.mac gives an error.
> Any assistance would be much appreciated.
> (%i1) batchload("mysolver.mac");
> (%o1) /home/cfrangos/axiom/mysolver.mac
> (%i2) mysolver();
> (%o2) /home/cfrangos/axiom/solver.mac
> (%i3) block([s:solver([x+y+x^2=a,x-y=b],[x,y],[a,b])],print(s));
> MACSYMA was unable to evaluate the predicate:
> #0: SetupSolver(equations=[y+x^2+x = a,x-y = b],solverparams=[[x,y],[a,b]])
> #1: SOLVER(equations=[y+x^2+x = a,x-y =
> b],solverparams=[[x,y],[a,b]])(solver.mac line 451)
> -- an error. Quitting. To debug this try DEBUGMODE(TRUE);
> (%i4)
> Regards,
> C. Frangos.
> mysolver() := block(
> batchload("linsolve.mac"),
> batchload("misc.mac"),
> batchload("slvrmsgs.mac"),
> batchload("slvrtbox.mac"),
> batchload("solver.mac")
> );
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