Maxima for Windows and Executables

Dear All,
I have been using Maxima on my linux desktop at home
quite painlessly, but I may need to use it at work,
where I can use only microsoft windows systems.
1)In case I need to run a batch file, is there any
special difference wrt to using it under Linux?
I have the same question when it comes to loading the
numericalio package.
2)What happens if I need to plot a result? Can I
simply install gnuplot and be happy?
3)Robert Dodier kindly told me how to read
sequentially a set of files {filename1...filenameN},
but what happens when each file has a final extension?
4)I need to write a Maxima script which can be used by
non-tech people (not that I am any experienced
developer myself). 
Because I am not 100% sure they will let me install
any software on their machines, it would be even
better, if possible, to create an executable they can
run with a double click and then do what they like
with the result files.
5)Is it any difficult to use Maxima to read a data
table like in R with the read.table command?

Thanks everybody for their help.

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