Some Question

Hi Tapan,
Welcome to Maxima.

I don't use TeXmac, but probably someone else will help you with that.
I will try to give you a couple of ideas regarding your question 3).
  1) Using the idea you are familiar with from Maple:
     f(r) := subst(r,t,diff(v(t),t));
  2) define(f(r), diff(v(r),r));
  3) f(r) := ''(diff(v(r),r));

You can try to find Maxima manual (a pdf file) somewhere in your
Maxima instalation, or visit Maxima Web site:,
and explore the "Docs" link. 
While in a Maxima session, typing "? command " should give you
some description of that command, or (often) a list of related maxima
commands. Try, for example, "? define "

Hope this helps.

Milan Lukic

* Tapan Naskar <> [2005-08-07 18:42:21 +0530]:
> Hi
> I am a new user for maxima, I use teXmac interface. I want to know the
> following:
> 1) How to write comment in maxima session in texmac?
> 2) How to save file and reopen it using texmac? 
> 3) I have a function like this:
>    f(r) = diff(v(r),r);
>    How to write this? In maple I write:  
>   f(r) = subs(s=r,diff(v(s),s)); which substitute s with r after
> differentiation.
> 4) Is there any basic documentation where I can get the answare of such trivial
>    thing?
> With Regards
> Tapan
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