
That's exactly what I need! ... so, I tried to extract the values of
the set but I don't know the type of the result set variable, e.g.
I require  to assign the element "2": first element of the second "row" in:  

    Barton> (%i2) A:integer_partitions(4); 
    Barton> (%o2) {[1,1,1,1],["2",1,1],[2,2],[3,1],[4]}

to variable B

B:A[2,1] ????

But is A a matrix, an array, a list ? how can I extract its


>>>>> "Barton" == Barton Willis  writes:

    Barton> wrote: -----

    >> Is there something in Maxima to get the "partition" of an
    >> integer n in m
    Barton> parts,

    Barton> Yes:

    Barton> (%i1) load(nset)$ (%i2) integer_partitions(4); (%o2)
    Barton> {[1,1,1,1],[2,1,1],[2,2],[3,1],[4]}

    Barton> To find the partitions with length m or less, use a second
    Barton> argument of m

    Barton> (%i3) integer_partitions(4,2); (%o3) {[2,2],[3,1],[4,0]}

    Barton> If you want partitions with exactly m numbers, you can try
    Barton> this:

    Barton> (%i4) subset(integer_partitions(4,2), lambda([s], not
    Barton> member(0,s))); (%o4) {[2,2],[3,1]}

    Barton> If you have Maxima 5.9.1, you'll need to download nset
    Barton> from; if you
    Barton> have Maxima 5.9.1cvs, you all ready have nset.

    Barton> Barton

     "But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then 
      peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of 
      mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without
      hypocrisy."     James 3:17