Making the result of INTEGRATE into a function

--- Robert Dodier  wrote:

> well, when a noun operator N appears in an
> expression,
> e.g. N(x,y,z), its arguments are evaluated but N
> (ev(x), ev(y), ev(z))
> is not evaluated. in contrast if a verb operator V
> appears,
> you get ev (V (ev(x), ev(y), ev(z))). 
> by default most operators are verbs, i.e., they are
> applied when
> mentioned in an expression. if an operator V is a
> verb by default,
> then ' V (x, y, z) makes it act like a noun. if an
> operator N is a
> noun by default, then '' N (x, y, z) makes it act
> like a verb.
> e.g., integrate is a verb by default:
> integrate (x, x)  =>  x^2/2
> quote mark nounifies it:
> ' integrate (x, x)  =>  (integral sign)
> sin is a noun by default:
> sin (1)  =>  sin (1)
> quote quote verbifies it:
> '' sin (1)  =>   0.8414

I see now in the reference manual that the definition
of VERB uses INTEGRATE as an example.

I would *never* have thought in a million years to
look there for the answer to my question.

Someone who knows Maxima *needs* to go through the
reference manual and put some kind of indication on
each function, telling new users whether that function
is a noun or verb by default.

And again, a tutorial ought to be fairly VERBose in
explaining the difference.

Thanks again,

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