[Fwd: [ maxima-Bugs-765510 ] writefile broken in Windows 5.9.0]

hi doug,

thanks for following up.

> I downloaded Maxima for windows that
>   Vadim V. Zhytnikov  made available.

by the way, can you execute run_testsuite(); and tell us what happens?
and maybe try some plots too. thanks a lot for your help!

> I then tested writefile and found that it has not been fixed yet.

OK, i've reopened the bug report. 

writefile basically just passes the ball to the lisp function DRIBBLE.
can you test DRIBBLE for us?  try this:
:lisp (dribble "foo.dribble")
:lisp (dribble)
what is the content of "foo.dribble" after that?

if you have a separate installation of lisp, can you try calling
DRIBBLE within the lisp interpreter?

thanks for any information,

robert dodier