limit and taylor, was: [ maxima-Bugs-1281737 ] limit(atan(x)/(1/exp(1)-exp(-(1+x)^2)),x,inf,plus) - wrong

>>>>> "Milan" == Milan Lukic  writes:

    Milan> Regarding 1), my knowledge of Lisp is way too inadequate to be able to
    Milan> read that code now, but my curiosity is strong enough that I am not

There are several good introductions and books on Lisp on the Web.
One well-regarded book is at
The source code has a link to the thesis by Paul Wang that explains
the limit algorithms.

    Milan> likely to give up on that soon. If somebody else would like to to try
    Milan> to "read together", that might be fun and even get us somewhere. One
    Milan> way this "read together" might be achieved - I think, could be to open
    Milan> Maxima Wiki for that kind of collaboration ...

I can help with the "read together" part.
