> how do I enter the assumption that some variable, say M, is an integer?
Now, for example, sin(m*%pi) simplifies to 0 and (-1)^(2*m) simplifies to 1.
To test whether something is declared an integer, use
featurep(m,integer)=>true. Featurep also works on expressions:
Integerp (as opposed to featurep) tests whether its argument is
*literally* an integer, not whether it can take only integer values:
integerp(m) => false. This is also true of such functions as evenp:
The Assume system and the Declare/Featurep system are not well
integrated; in particular, the Context system that is used by Assume
does not apply to declarations.
PS Yes, this could all be much cleaner, but that's the way it is today....