changelog for 5.9.2

>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Dodier  writes:

    Robert> OK, sifting through cvs for changes since version-591
    Robert> i found some more stuff.

I had started to look through some of the logs, but you beat me to
it. :-)

    Robert>  -- regularize use of packages in maxima core

    Robert>  -- misc code cleanups incl. sloop -> ansi loop, rename private let and let*

Probably not important to the user.

    Robert>  -- discrete plots (for plot2d)

When did adaptive 2D plotting go in?  Was that in 5.9.1?

    Robert>  -- revisions to Airy functions

Isn't this new?

    Robert>  -- revisions to Bessel functions

    Robert>  -- revisions to gamma function

    Robert>  -- revisions to elliptic functions

    Robert>  -- extensive revisions to hypergeometric functions

    Robert>  -- revised kill function

I think that unless you say what the revisions are, there's no point
in saying it.  I'll try to look through the logs and see what changed.

    Robert>  -- regenerate (via f2cl) functions from SLATEC Fortran code

Not relevant to the user (or even the developer, really).

    Robert>     590222 (power series)
    Robert>     853830 (sum)
    Robert>     1045821 (describe)
    Robert>     618280 (entier)
    Robert>     512736 (alphalessp)
    Robert>     620928 (cfratsimp)
    Robert>     626728 (scanmap/bottomup)
    Robert>     904504 (sign1)
    Robert>     617021 (bfloat(%gamma))
    Robert>     1155241 (hgfred)
    Robert>     1052308, 1036900 (limit)
    Robert>     1038584 (integrate)
    Robert>     1169996 (example)
    Robert>     1274656 (dribble)
    Robert>     1179646, 1110733, 1070509 (tex)
    Robert>     1234221 (ev)
    Robert>     1216157 (kill-operator)
    Robert>     797401 (infix)
    Robert>     1173788 (prefix, postfix, nary, matchfix, nofix, and infix)
    Robert>     1290386, 1156759, 1107784 (plot2d)
    Robert>     1179660 (bfloat)
    Robert>     904295 (ratweight)
    Robert>     808772, 808772 (realpart)
    Robert>     783051 (expand)
    Robert>     1178648 (setup_autoload)
    Robert>     1175992 (playback)
    Robert>     1103687 (compile_file, translate_file)

This is a pretty nice list.  How did you get this?

Thanks for doing the dirty work,
