changelog for 5.9.2

>>>>> "Raymond" == Raymond Toy  writes:

>>>>> "Robert" == Robert Dodier  writes:
    Robert> -- revisions to Bessel functions

    Robert> -- revisions to gamma function

    Robert> -- revisions to elliptic functions

    Robert> -- extensive revisions to hypergeometric functions

    Robert> -- revised kill function

    Raymond> I think that unless you say what the revisions are, there's no point
    Raymond> in saying it.  I'll try to look through the logs and see what changed.

Here are the changes, based on reading the commit logs:
Bessel functions:
o Bessel functions with real order and complex argument can be
  evaluated numerically.
o bessel_j can be computed for negative real order.

Gamma functions:
o Gamma function can be numerically evaluated for complex arguments.

Elliptic functions:
o Bugs 1165488 and 908185 fixed.
o Fixed issue where many of the routines were returning single-float
  results instead of double-float when given rational args.
o elliptic_f with complex args can be numerically evaluated.
o Other inverse Jacobi routines can be evaluated at complex points.

Hypergeometric functions:
o Adjusted routines to return the new names for the Bessel functions
  (like bessel_j instead of %j).  
o Similarly, any orthogonal polynomials now use the naming conventions
  used by the specfun orthogonal polynomial package.
o Corrected many errors in implementation.
o Some missing internal functionality added.
o Bug 1155241 fixed.
o Bug 1097915 fixed.
o Branch cuts for various relationships between hypergeometric
  functions and Legendre functions were implemented or corrected.
o This is still a work in progress.

I don't know much about kill, so I didn't read the logs for that.
