Vector analysis and bode plots

>>>>> "Ron" == Ron Crummett  writes:

    Ron> Secondly, I am taking a control systems class in which we use Bode
    Ron> diagrams frequently.  Generally we do all of our work in Matlab, but
    Ron> one person likes to use MathCad and it occurred to me that Maxima
    Ron> might be able to do some of this, if Bode plots can be done.  Not a

If I remember, a Bode plot is, essentially, plot of the Fourier
transform of the response of the system.  And the plot is basically
10*log10(|H(2*pi*j*f)|) vs log10(f).

Maxima, with gnuplot, supports log plots and can also compute the FFT
of an array, so it should be able to do this.
