Vector analysis and bode plots

El Martes, 18 de Octubre de 2005 21:14, Ron Crummett escribió:
> Hi -
> I am a college student who discovered Maxima recently and think it is
> great.  A lot of power, for not a lot of money.  Not bad.
> Still, I find myself needing to do some things that I would like to do
> with Maxima, and I am wondering if they are possible.  First of all, I
> am taking an advanced electromagnetics class and we work with vector
> operations a lot, particularly curl, divergence, gradient and
> laplacian.  I have not seen any description of these functions in my
> searches.  It doesn't seem like it would be too terribly hard to write,
> but I don't know how to write functions in Maxima, and how I could have
> them automatically load up when I start.
> Secondly, I am taking a control systems class in which we use Bode
> diagrams frequently.  Generally we do all of our work in Matlab, but one
> person likes to use MathCad and it occurred to me that Maxima might be
> able to do some of this, if Bode plots can be done.  Not a lot on that
> subject either.  So, do any of you more experienced Maxima users have
> some suggestions for me on what I can do, where I can to, to satisfy
> these needs?  Thanks a ton.
> -Ron Crummett

Sorry, can't help with Bode plots. But regarding the first part of your 
question, look at the following maxima session:

(%i1) /* gradient */
(%i2) /* laplacian */
(%i3) /* divergence */
                if not listp(f) or n # length(f)
                           then error("Illegal input"),
(%i4) /* curl */
                if not listp(f) or n # 3 or n # length(f)
                           then error("Wrong input"),
                 diff(f[2],v[1])-diff(f[1],v[2])] )$
(%i5) /* Some examples follow */
(%o5)     [y  + t cos(t x), 2 t z + 2 x y, 2 t y, 2 y z + x cos(t x)]
(%i6) %,x=2,y=3,z=1,t=0;
(%o6)                            [9, 12, 0, 8]
(%i7) nabla(f(u,v,w),u,v,w);
               d                d                d
(%o7)         [-- (f(u, v, w)), -- (f(u, v, w)), -- (f(u, v, w))]
               du               dv               dw
(%i8) nabla2(f(u,v,w),u,v,w);
             2                  2                  2
            d                  d                  d
(%o8)       --- (f(u, v, w)) + --- (f(u, v, w)) + --- (f(u, v, w))
              2                  2                  2
            dw                 dv                 du
(%i9) div([3*x*y,x^2*z,-y^2*exp(2*z)],x,y,z);
                                        2   2 z
(%o9)                          3 y - 2 y  %e
(%i10) %,x=1,x=2,z=0;
(%o10)                            3 y - 2 y
(%i11) %,x=1,y=2,z=0;
(%o11)                                - 2
(%i12) depends([Fx,Fy,Fz],[x,y,z]);
(%o12)              [Fx(x, y, z), Fy(x, y, z), Fz(x, y, z)]
(%i13) rot([Fx,Fy,Fz],x,y,z);
                        dFz   dFy  dFx   dFz  dFy   dFx
(%o13)                 [--- - ---, --- - ---, --- - ---]
                        dy    dz   dz    dx   dx    dy

Hope this helps.

Mario Rodriguez Riotorto