Dear Bob,
The following syntax produced the black-white ps-file with dotted and dashed
plot2d([sin(x)*x,sin(x)/x],[x,-2,2],[y,-2,2],[gnuplot_preamble, "set term
postscript eps enhanced; set style line 1 lt 2 lw 3; set style line 2 lt 3 lw
3; set output ''"], [gnuplot_curve_styles, ["w l ls 1","w l ls 2"]]);
The options for parameters of dashes and dots can be set in the similar way.
Unfortunately, the maxima's plot.lisp module has some restrictive options for
postscript terminal which do not allow to used different kinds of lines
with maxima's [gnuplot_term,ps]. You can find them in src/plot.lisp
> I've tried to understand the Maxima and gnuplot documentation as to how
> to get a plot with one curve as a dashed line but to no avail. For
> example, suppose I plot a function and its asymptote,
> plot2d([1/(x-1),[parametric,1,t,[t,-10,10]]],[x,-2,4],[y,-10,10])
> but want to make the asymptote dashed. How do I accomplish this?
> The Maxima manual sends me to gnuplot documentation but I can't figure
> out that documentation enough to get a dashed line.
> Thanks for any pointers, Bob