add to Re: [Maxima] plotting dashed lines

Dear Bob,
Just in addition.
in your case the command will be

[gnuplot_preamble, "set  term postscript eps enhanced; set style line 1 lt 1 
lw 3;set style line 2 lt 3 lw 3;set output ''"], 
[gnuplot_curve_styles, ["w l ls 1","w l ls 2"]]);

I've just checked it.
> I've tried to understand the Maxima and gnuplot documentation as to how
> to get a plot with one curve as a dashed line but to no avail. For
> example, suppose I plot a function and its asymptote,
> plot2d([1/(x-1),[parametric,1,t,[t,-10,10]]],[x,-2,4],[y,-10,10])
> but want to make the asymptote dashed. How do I accomplish this?
> The Maxima manual sends me to gnuplot documentation but I can't figure
> out that documentation enough to get a dashed line.
> Thanks for any pointers, Bob