trouble installing latest maxima

Robert -
Much thanks for your reply. I tried the maxima-exec-gcl install, it 
seemed to install correctly, but now maxima hangs, that is, executing 
the maxima command in a terminal does not call the program but just 
sits there.

I am unsure what you mean by by rebuilding maxima from the source rpm 
if I have GCL or other lisps on my system. Perhaps I should uninstall 
and try again, this time installing the maxima-exec-gcl first?

Thanks for any help,

Quoting Robert Dodier :

> Hello Richard,
>> I have just tried to install the latest maxima rpm on redhat 9.2 for
>> intel. Uponi invoking the maxima command in a terminal, I get the
>> message "/usr/bin/maxima: unable to determine MAXIMA_PREFIX".
>> xmaxima does not work either. There is no command line for input.
> Did you install a maxima-exec rpm as well as maxima and maxima-xmaxima ?
> There is a maxima-exec-gcl rpm on the Sourceforge file manager.
> (
> That rpm was built on a Fedora Core 1 system, so it's possible that it won't
> install successfully on RH 9.2. If you have GCL, CMUCL, or Clisp
> on your system I believe it will be straightforward to rebuild Maxima
> from the source rpm.
> Hope this helps,
> Robert Dodier

Richard N. Fell
Fisher School of Physics
Brandeis University
Waltham, Ma 02454