Kindly people -
After successfully installing the latest macsyma on redhat 9.2, due
entirely to the excellent instructions sent to me by Robert Dodier
(many thanks again), I am ready to install on my mac here at school
on which I have the latest os x, tiger.
I suspect that I should install some lisp first and then the maxima
source code and follow the instructions. But, what lisp. And a
question out of curiosity. Once a lisp is installed, how does maxima
know where to look for it in my directory tree?
Thanks for all the help, past, present and future
Dick Fell
(An aside. Several of my students are quite interested in maxima as
an alternative to MMA. I do try to spread the gospel.)
Richard N. Fell
Martin Fisher School of Physics
Brandeis University
Waltham, Ma 02454